Bibtex entries of Daniel B. Szyld

  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Olof B. Widlund},
  title = {Applications of Conjugate Gradient Type Methods to 
           Eigenvalue Calculations},
  pages = {167-173},
  year = 1979,
  booktitle = {Advances in Computer Methods for Partial 
         Differential Equations {III}},
  editor = {R.Vichnevetsky and R.S. Stepleman},
  publisher = {IMACS}
  author = {Faye Duchin and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques to Inter-Regional 
          Input-Output Analysis},
  journal = {Economics of Planning},
  volume = 15,
  year = 1979,
  pages = {142-167}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Using Sparse Matrix Techniques to Solve a Model of the World Economy},
  pages = {357-365},
  year = 1981,
  booktitle = {Sparse Matrices and their Uses},
  editor = {Iain S. Duff},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  address = {London and New York}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Un Algoritmo Para Obtener una Submatriz y/o Permutaciones 
         de una Matriz Esparcida ({A}n Algorithm to Obtain a 
         Submatrix and/or Permutations of a Sparse Matrix)},
  journal = {SIGMA, Revista de Matem{\'a}ticas Aplicadas},
  volume = 8,
  year = 1982,
  pages = {133-144},
  note = {In Spanish}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Two-level Iterative Method for Large Sparse Generalized 
             Eigenvalue Calculations},
  school = {Department of Mathematics, Courant Institute of 
        Mathematical Sciences, New York University},
  year = 1983,
  month = OCT
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Bilateral Representation of Trade for Inter-Regional Models},
  journal = {Applied Mathematical Modelling},
  volume = 8,
  year = 1984,
  pages = {50-52}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Preliminary Results in Implementing a Model of the World 
         Economy on the {C}yber 205: A Case of Large Sparse 
         Nonsymmetric Linear Equations},
  booktitle = {Cyber 200 Applications Seminar},
  year = 1984,
  month = MAR,
  publisher = {NASA Conference Publication 2295}
  author = {Wassily Leontief and Faye Duchin and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {New Approaches in Economic Analysis},
  journal = {Science},
  volume = 228,
  year = 1985,
  pages = {419-422}
  author = {Faye Duchin and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Dynamic Input-Output Model with Assured Positive Output},
  journal = {Metroeconomica},
  volume = 37,
  year = 1985,
  pages = {269-282}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Conditions for the Existence of a Balanced Growth Solution 
         for the {L}eontief Dynamic Input-Output Model},
  journal = {Econometrica},
  volume = 53,
  year = 1985,
  pages = {1411-1419}
  author = {Fl{\'a}vio Dickstein and J. Roberto P. Rodrigues and       
             Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Ordenamentos para M{\'e}todos Directos em 
            Simula{\c{c}}{\~a}o de Reservat{\'o}rios Petrol{\'i}feros 
         ({O}rderings for Direct Methods in Oil Reservoir Simulation)},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the First National Meeting on Thermal Sciences},
  address = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
  year = 1986,
  month = DEC,
  pages = {183-186},
  note = {In Portuguese}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Combining Inverse and {R}ayleigh Quotient Iteration to 
             Solve {$Ax=\lambda Bx$}},
  booktitle = {Innovative Numerical Methods in Engineering},
  editor = {R. Shaw and J. Periaux and A. Chaudouet and J. Wu and 
          C. Marino and C. Brebbia},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = 1986,
  pages = {109-114}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Leonardo Moledo and Beatriz Sauber},
  title = { Positive Solutions for the {L}eontief Dynamic Input-Output Model},
  booktitle = {Input Output Analysis: Current Developments},
  editor = {M. Ciaschini},
  publisher = {Chapman {and} Hall},
  address = {London},
  year = 1988,
  pages = {91-97}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Criteria for combining inverse and {R}ayleigh quotient iteration},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
  year = 1988,
  volume = 25,
  pages = {1369-1375}
  author = {Shing C. Ma and Merrell L. Patrick and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Parallel, Hybrid Algorithm for Small Bandwidth Generalized 
  institution = {Department of Computer Science, Duke University},
  number = {CS-1988-28},
  year = 1988,
  month = NOV
  author = {Shing C. Ma and Merrell L. Patrick and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Parallel, Hybrid Algorithm for the Generalized Eigenproblem},
  booktitle = {Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing},
  editor = {Gary Rodrigue},
  publisher = {{SIAM}},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  year = 1989,
  pages = {82-86}
  author = {James O'Neil and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Block Ordering Method for Sparse Matrices},
  year = 1990,
  pages = {811-823},
  volume = 11,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing}
  author = {Ricardo D. Pantazis and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A multiprocessor method for the solution of the generalized 
         eigenvalue problem on an interval},
  publisher = {SIAM},
  editor = {Jack J. Dongarra and Paul Messina and Danny G. Sorensen 
          and Robert G. Voigt},
  booktitle = {Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 
              Proceedings of the {F}ourth {SIAM} Conference},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  year = 1990,
  pages = {36-41}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Comparison Theorems for Weak Splittings of Bounded Operators},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  year = 1990,
  volume = 58,
  pages = {387-397}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Splittings of {$M$}-Operators: Irreducibility and the Index
            of the Iteration Operator},
  journal = {Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization},
  volume = 11,
  year = 1990,
  pages = {529-553}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Pseudo-irreducible and Pseudo-primitive Bounded Operators},
  year = 1991,
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = {154--156},
  pages = {779--792}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Iterative Aggregation with Inexact Correction},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  number = {91-52},
  month = {May},
  year = 1991
  author = {Paul J. Lanzkron and Donald J. Rose and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Convergence of Nested Classical Iterative Methods for Linear Systems},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  year = 1991,
  volume = 58,
  pages = {685-702}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Mark T. Jones},
  title = {Two-stage and Multisplitting Methods for the 
        Parallel Solution of Linear Systems},
  year = 1992,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume = 13,
  pages = {671--679}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Sequence of Lower Bounds for the Spectral Radius of 
         Nonnegative Matrices},
  year = 1992,
  volume = 174,
  pages = {239-242},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {{$H$}-splittings and Two-stage Iterative Methods},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 63,
  pages = {345-356},
  year = 1992
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Iterative and Semi-iterative Methods for Computing 
         Stationary Probability Vectors of {M}arkov Operators},
  journal = {Mathematics of Computation},
  year = 1993,
  volume = 61,
  pages = {719-731}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Olof B. Widlund},
  title = {Variational Analysis of Some Conjugate Gradient Methods},
  year = 1993,
  volume = 1,
  pages = {51-74},
  journal = {East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Local Convergence of (Exact and Inexact) Iterative Aggregation},
  editor = {Carl D. Meyer and Robert J. Plemmons},
  booktitle = {Linear Algebra, {M}arkov Chains and Queuing Models},
  series = {IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications},
  volume = 48,
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {New York -- Berlin},
  year = 1993,
  pages = {137-143}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Local Convergence of the (Exact and Inexact) Iterative 
           Aggregation Method for Linear Systems and {M}arkov Operators},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  year = 1994,
  volume = 69,
  pages = {61-82}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Equivalence of Convergence Conditions for Iterative Methods 
           for Singular Equations},
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  year = 1994,
  volume = 1,
  pages = {151-154}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Asynchronous Two-stage Iterative Methods},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 69,
  pages = {141-153},
  year = 1994
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Synchronous and Asynchronous Two-stage Multisplitting Methods},
  year = 1994,
  publisher = {{SIAM}},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth {SIAM} Conference on Applied Linear 
  editor = {John G. Lewis},
  pages = {39-44}
  author = {Ricardo D. Pantazis and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Regions of Convergence of the {R}ayleigh Quotient Iteration Method},
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  volume = 2,
  year = 1995,
  pages = {251-269}
  author = {Rafael Bru and Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s 
              and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Parallel, Synchronous and Asynchronous Two-stage Multisplitting 
  journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  year = 1995,
  volume = 3,
  pages = {24-38}
  author = {Mark T. Jones and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Two-stage Multisplitting Methods with Overlapping Blocks},
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  year = 1996,
  volume = 3,
  pages = {113-124}
  author = {Jos{\'e} Mas and Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s 
         and Daniel B. Szyld },
  title = {Nonstationary Parallel Relaxed Multisplitting Methods},
  year = 1996,
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  pages = {733-747},
  volume = {241--243}
  author = {Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Block Two-stage Methods for Singular Systems and {M}arkov Chains},
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  volume = 3,
  year = 1996,
  pages = {413-426}
  author = {Hwajeong Choi and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Application of Threshold Partitioning of Sparse Matrices to 
           {M}arkov Chains},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Computer Performance 
        and Dependability Symposium, IPDS'96, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 
        September 4--6, 1996},
  year = 1996,
  pages = {158-165},
  publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society Press},
  address = {Los Alamitos, California}
  author = {Hwajeong Choi and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Threshold Ordering for Preconditioning Nonsymmetric Problems 
            with Highly Varying Coefficients},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  year = 1996,
  month = MAY,
  number = {96-51}
  author = {Michele Benzi and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Existence and Uniqueness of Splittings for Stationary 
         Iterative Methods with Applications to Alternating Methods},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  year = 1997,
  volume = 76,
  pages = {309-321}
  author = {Michele Benzi and Hwajeong Choi and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Threshold Ordering for Preconditioning Nonsymmetric Problems},
  booktitle = {Scientific Computing, Proceedings of the Workshop, 
                10--12 March 1997, Hong Kong},
  editor = {G.H. Golub and S.-H. Lui and F.T. Luk and R.J. Plemmons},
  pages = {159-165},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {Singapore},
  year = 1997
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Hartmut Schwandt and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Asynchronous Weighted Additive {S}chwarz Methods},
  journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  year = 1997,
  volume = 5,
  pages = {48-61}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Different Models of Parallel Asynchronous Iterations with Overlapping Blocks},
  journal = {Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume = {17},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {101-115}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {The Mystery of Asynchronous Iterations Convergence when the 
             Spectral Radius is One},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  address = {Philadelphia, Pa.},
  year = 1998,
  month = {October},
  number = {98-102},
  note = {Available at \verb+}
  author = {Michele Benzi and Daniel B. Szyld and Arno van Duin},
  title = {Orderings for {ILU} Preconditionings of Nonsymmetric Problems},
  booktitle = {Computational Engineering in Systems Applications -- 
           Proceedings of the {IMACS}-{IEEE} Multiconference, Nabeul-Hammamet, 
           Tunisia, April 1--4, 1998},
  editor = {Pierre Borne and Mekki Ksouri and Abdelkder El Kamel},
  note = {CD-ROM},
  year = 1998
  author = {Michele Benzi and Daniel B. Szyld and Arno van Duin},
  title = {Orderings for Incomplete Factorization Preconditionings of 
             Nonsymmetric Linear Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative 
              Methods, March 30 -- April 3, 1998},
  year = 1998
  author = {Michele Benzi and Daniel B. Szyld and Arno van Duin},
  title = {A Study of Different Orderings for Incomplete Factorization 
            Preconditionings of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems},
  booktitle = {Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications -- 
                Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress, Buenos Aires, 
                June 29 --July 2, 1998},
  editor = {Segio R. Idelsohn and Eugenio O{\~n}ate and Eduardo N. Dvorkin},
  note = {CD-ROM, Section 2, paper 5},
  year = 1998
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Asynchronous Iterations with Flexible Communication for Linear 
  journal = {Calculateurs Parall{\`e}les R{\'e}seaux et 
           Syst{\`e}mes R{\'e}partis},
  volume = 10,
  year = 1998,
  pages = {421-429}
  author = {Zhong-Zhi Bai and Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s 
             and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Block and Asynchronous Two-stage Methods for Mildly Nonlinear Systems},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 82,
  year = 1999,
  pages = {1-20}
  author = {Kostas Blathras and Daniel B. Szyld and Yuan Shi},
  title = {Timing Models and Local Stopping Criteria for Asynchronous 
           Iterative Algorithms},
  journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
  volume = 58,
  year = 1999,
  pages = {446-465}
  author = {Michele Benzi and Daniel B. Szyld and Arno van Duin},
  title = {Orderings for Incomplete Factorization Preconditionings 
          of Nonsymmetric Problems},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = 20,
  year = 1999,
  pages = {1652-1670}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Weighted Max Norms, Splittings, and Overlapping Additive 
            {S}chwarz Iterations},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  year = 1999,
  volume = 83,
  pages = {259-278}
  author = {Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Experimental Study of Parallel Iterative Solutions of 
            {M}arkov Chains with Block Partitions},
  booktitle = {Numerical Solution of {M}arkov Chains (NSMC'99)},
  editor = {Brigitte Plateau and William J. Stewart and Manuel Silva},
  publisher = {Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza},
  pages = {96-110},
  year = 1999
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Comparison Theorems for the Convergence Factor of 
         Iterative Methods for Singular Matrices},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = 316,
  year = 2000,
  pages = {67-87}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On Asynchronous Iterations},
  journal = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  volume = 123,
  year = 2000,
  pages = {201-216}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Jian-Jun Xu},
  title = {Convergence of Some Asynchronous Nonlinear Multisplitting Methods},
  journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  volume = 25,
  year = 2000,
  pages = {347-361}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld and Judith A. Vogel},
  title = {A Flexible Quasi-Minimal Residual Method with Inexact 
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = 23,
  pages = {363-380},
  year = 2001
  author = {Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Nonstationary Multisplittings with General Weighting Matrices},
  year = 2001,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume = 22,
  pages = {1089-1094}
  author = {Michele Benzi and Andreas Frommer and Reinhard Nabben and 
             Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Algebraic Theory of Multiplicative {S}chwarz Methods},
  year = 2001,
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 89,
  pages = {605-639}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {An Algebraic Convergence Theory for Restricted Additive 
            {S}chwarz Methods Using Weighted Max Norms},
  year = 2001,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
  volume = 39,
  pages = {463-479}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Perspectives on Asynchronous Computations for Fluid Flow Problems},
  booktitle = {Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = 2001,
  editor = {K. J. Bathe},
  pages = {377-380}
  author = {Andreas Frommer and Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {An Algebraic Convergence Theory for Restricted Additive and 
            Multiplicative {S}chwarz Methods},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering, 
        Thirteenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, 
        Lyon, France},
  editor = {N. Debit and M. Garbey and R. Hoppe and D. Keyes and 
              Y. Kuznetzov and J. P{\'e}riaux},
  pages = {371-377},
  publisher = {CIMNE, UPC},
  address = {Barcelona},
  year = 2002
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Comparison of Convergence of General Stationary Iterative 
             Methods for Singular Matrices},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume = {24},
  pages = {68-77},
  year = 2002
  author = {Ludwig Elsner and Andreas Frommer and Reinhard Nabben 
             and Hans Schneider and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Conditions for strict inequality in comparisons of spectral 
            radii of splittings of different matrices},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = {363},
  year = 2003,
  pages = {65-80}
  author = {Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Convergence theory of restricted multiplicative {S}chwarz methods},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
  volume = {40},
  year = 2003,
  pages = {2318-2336}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Flexible Inner-Outer {Krylov} Subspace Methods},
  year = 2003,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
  volume = 40,
  pages = {2219-2239}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Theory of Inexact {Krylov} Subspace Methods and Applications to Scientific Computing},
  year = 2003,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = 25,
  pages = {454-477}
  author = {Rafael Bru and Francisco Pedroche and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Overlapping additive and multiplicative {S}chwarz iterations 
           for {$H$}-matrices},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  year = 2004,
  volume = 393,
  pages = {91-105}
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Algebraic {S}chwarz methods for the numerical solution of 
           {M}arkov chains},
  journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = 386,
  pages = {67-81},
  year = 2004
  author = {Ivo Marek and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Algebraic Analysis of {S}chwarz Methods for Singular Systems},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering},
  editor = {R. Kornhuber and R. H. W. Hoppe and J. P{\'e}riaux and 
            O. Pironneau and O. B. Widlund and J. Xu},
  series = {Lecture notes in Computer Science and Engineering},
  volume = 40,
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = 2004,
  pages = {647-652}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On the Occurrence of Superlinear Convergence of Exact and 
            Inexact {K}rylov Subspace Methods},
  journal = {SIAM Review},
  volume = 47,
  year = 2005,
  pages = {247-272}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Relaxed {K}rylov subspace approximation},
  journal = {PAMM},
  pages = {797-800},
  volume = 5,
  year = 2005
  author = {Rafael Bru and Francisco Pedroche and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Additive {S}chwarz Iterations for {M}arkov Chains},
  year = 2005,
  volume = 27,
  pages = {445-458},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications}
  author = {Rafael Bru and Francisco Pedroche and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {C{\'a}lculo del Vector {PageRank} de Google Mediante el 
           m{\'e}todo Iterativo de {S}chwarz (Computation of Google's PageRank 
               Vector with the {S}chwarz Iterative Method)},
  year = 2005,
  booktitle = {Congreso de M{\'e}todos Num{\'e}ricos en Ingenier{\'i}a 
          (Proceedings of the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering)},
  editor = {J.L. P{\'e}rez Aparicio et al.},
  note = {In Spanish},
  page = {263-270},
  address = {Granada, Spain}
  author = {Rafael Bru and Francisco Pedroche and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Subdirect sums of nonsingular {$M$}-matrices and of their inverses},
  journal = {Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra},
  volume = 13,
  year = 2005,
  month = JUL,
  pages = {162-174}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {The effect of non-optimal bases on the 
                convergence of {Krylov} Subspace Methods},
  year = 2005,
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 100,
  pages = {711-733}
  author = {Marcus Sarkis and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A Proposal for a Dynamically Adapted Inexact Additive 
             {S}chwarz Preconditioner},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVI},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
  editor = {Olof Widlund and David Keyes},
  volume = 55,
  year = 2006,
  pages = {333-337}
  author = {Rafael Bru and Francisco Pedroche and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Subdirect Sums of {$S$}-Strictly Diagonally Dominant Matrices},
  journal = {Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra},
  volume = 14,
  year = 2006,
  pages = {201-209}
  author = {Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {The Many Proofs of an Identity on the Norm of Oblique Projections},
  journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  volume = 42,
  year = 2006,
  pages = {309-323}
  author = {Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {{S}chwarz iterations for symmetric positive semidefinite problems},
  year = 2006,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume = 29,
  pages = {98-116}
  author = {Giorgos Kollias and Efstratios Gallopoulos and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Asynchronous iterative computations with Web information 
             retrieval structures: {T}he {PageRank} case},
  year = 2006,
  booktitle = {Parallel Computing: Current and Future Issues of High-End 
              Computing (Proceedings of the International Conference Parco05)},
  editor = {G.R. Joubert and W.E. Nagel and F.J. Peters and O. Plata 
               and P. Tirado and E. Zapata},
  publisher = {John von Neumann-Institut f\"{u}r Computing (NIC)},
  pages = {309-316},
  series = {NIC Series},
  volume = 33,
  address = {J\"{u}lich, Germany}
  author = {Marcus Sarkis and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Optimal Left and Right Additive {S}chwarz Preconditioning 
            for Minimal Residual Methods with {E}uclidean and Energy Norms},
  journal = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering},
  volume = 196,
  year = 2007,
  pages = {1612-1621}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Recent Computational Developments in {K}rylov 
           Subspace Methods for Linear Systems},
  year = 2007,
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  volume = 14,
  pages = {1-59}
    author = {Josep Arnal and Violeta Migall{\'o}n and Jos{\'e} Penad{\'e}s
             and Daniel B. Szyld},
    title = {{N}ewton Additive and Multiplicative {S}chwarz Iterative Methods},
    journal= {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis},
    year = 2008,
    pages = {143--161}
  author = {David Fritzsche and Volker Mehrmann and Daniel B. Szyld 
             and Elena Virnik},
  title = {An {SVD} approach to identifying meta-stable states of 
            {M}arkov chains},
  journal= {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  volume = 29,
  year = 2008,
  author = {David Fritzsche and Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Extensions of Certain Graph-based Algorithms for Preconditioning},
  year = 2007,
  journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  author = {Abed Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {{P}erron-{F}robenius Properties of General Matrices},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  number = {07-01-10}, month=JAN, year=2007,
  Note = {Revised November 2007}
  author = {Abed Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On general matrices having the {P}erron-{F}robenius property},
  journal = {Electronic Journal on Linear Algebra},
  year= 2008,
  volume = 17,
  pages = {389--413}
  author = {Xiuhong Du and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A note on the mesh independence of convergence bounds for
  additive {S}chwarz preconditioned {GMRES}}, 
  year = 2008,
  journal = {Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  volume= 15,
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {New conditions for non-stagnation of minimal residual methods},
  journal={Numerische Mathematik},
  author = {Abed Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Generalizations of {$M$}-matrices which may not have
         a nonnegative inverse},
  journal ={Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume = 429,
  pages = {2435--2450}
  author = {S\'ebastien Loisel and Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On Hybrid Multigrid-{S}chwarz algorithms},
  journal= {Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume = 36,
  pages= {165--175}
  author = {Xiuhong Du and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Inexact {GMRES} for singular linear system},
  year = 2008,
  journal =  {BIT Numerical Mathematics},
  volume = 48,
  pages = {511--531}
 author = {Andreas Frommer and Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Convergence of Stationary Iterative Methods for {H}ermitian
       Semidefinite Linear Systems and Applications to {S}chwarz Methods},
  year = 2008,
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume = 30,
  pages= {925--938}
  author = {Abed Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Two characterizations of matrices with the
             {P}erron-{F}robenius Property},
  journal ={Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications},
  author = {S\'ebastien Loisel and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On the convergence of Optimized {S}chwarz Methods by
           way of Matrix Analysis},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in
                  Science and Engineering XVIII},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address= "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
 editor={Michel Bercovier and Martin Gander and Ralf Kornhuber and Olof B. Widlund},
  author = {S\'ebastien Loisel and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {A maximum principle for {$L^2$}-trace norms with an
          application to Optimized {S}chwarz Methods},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in
                  Science and Engineering XVIII},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address= "Berlin, Heidelberg, New York",
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
  editor={Michel Bercovier and Martin Gander and Ralf Kornhuber and Olof B. Widlund},
author = {Abed Elhashash and Uriel G. Rothblum and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Paths of matrices with the strong {P}erron-{F}robenius
           property converging to a given matrix with the
           {P}erron-{F}robenius property}, 
  journal = {Electronic Journal on Linear Algebra},
  volume = 19,
  pages = {90--97},
  year = 2009
author = {Abed Elhashash and Daniel B. Szyld},
title = {Matrix functions preserving sets of generalized nonnegative
journal = {Electronic Journal on Linear Algebra},
  author = {S\'ebastien Loisel and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On the convergence of Algebraic Optimizable {S}chwarz Methods with
           applications to elliptic problems},
  journal={Numerische Mathematik},
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Interpreting {IDR} as a {P}etrov-{G}alerkin method},
  journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, 
  author={Marlliny Monsalve and Daniel B. Szyld},
title={Inexact {N}ewton with {K}rylov projection and recycling for {R}iccati equations},
note={Poster presented at the
Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra:
Perturbation, Performance, and Portability,
Austin, Texas, July 19-20, 2010}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On the field of values of oblique projections},
  journal= {Linear Algebra and its Applications}, 
  author= {Marlliny Monsalve and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title ={Inexact {N}ewton with {K}rylov projection and recycling for {R}iccati equations},
note={Poster presented at the Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra:
Perturbation, Performance, and Portability,
Austin, Texas, 2010}
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title = {Efficient preconditioned inner solves for inexact {R}ayleigh 
        quotient iteration and their connections to the single-vector 
        {J}acobi-{D}avidson method},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications}
  author= {Xingwei Yang and Daniel B. Szyld and Longin Jan Latecki},
  title=  {Diffusion on a Tensor Product Graph for Semi-Supervised
          learning and Interactive Image Segmentation},
  journal={Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics},
  volume = 169,
  year = 2011,
  pages ={147--172}
  author= {Olivier Dubois and Martin J. Gander and S\'ebastien Loisel 
         and Amik St-Cyr and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {The Optimized {S}chwarz Method with a Coarse Grid Correction},
  journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  vloume=34, pages = {A421--A458}, year=2012 
  author= {Mark Embree and Josef A. Sifuentes and Kirk M. Soodhalter
             and Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title = {Short-term recurrence {K}rylov subspace methods for
             nearly-{H}ermitian matrices}, 
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume=33, pages = {480--500}, year = 2012
  author = {Hassane~Sadok and Daniel~B.~Szyld},
  title = {A new look at {CMRH} and its relation to {GMRES}},
    journal =  {BIT Numerical Mathematics},
  volume=52, pages = {485--501}, year=2012
  author= {Martin J. Gander and S\'ebastien Loisel and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {An optimal block iterative method and preconditioner
for banded matrices with applications to {PDEs} on irregular domains},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
  volume=33, pages = {653--680}, year = 2012
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title=  {Local convergence analysis of several inexact {N}ewton-type
      algorithms for general nonlinear eigenvalue problems},
  journal={Numerische Mathematik}, volume=123, pages={333--362}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title  = {On the Superlinear Convergence of MINRES},
  year   = 2013,
  booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications 2011 -
      Proceedings of ENUMATH 2011, the 9th European Conference on
      Numerical Mathematics and
      Advanced Applications, Leicester, September 2011},
  editors={A. Cangiani and  R.L. Davidchack and  E.H. Georgoulis
        and  A. Gorban and  J. Levesley and M.V.  Tretyakov},  
  publisher={Springer}, address={Berlin and Heidelberg},
  author= {David Fritzsche and Andreas Frommer and Stephen D. Shank
             and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Overlapping blocks by growing a partition with applications to
journal={SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume=35, year=2013, pages={A453--A473}
  author = {Xiuhong Du and Marcus Sarkis and Christian E. Schaerer
               and Daniel B. Szyld}, 
  title = {Inexact and truncated Parareal-in-time {K}rylov subspace
            methods for parabolic optimal control problems}, 
  year  = 2013,
  journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  volume= 40, pages={36--57}
author = {Xiuhong Du and Eldad Haber and Maria Karampataki and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Varying Iteration Accuracy Using Inexact Conjugate Gradients
          in Control Problems governed by {PDE}'s},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  booktitle= {Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on
     Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry and Statistics
     (CMCGS 2013).}, 
  editors= {Ke Chen and C. Raju},
  year = 2013,
  publisher={Global and Technology Forum}, address={Singapore},
 author = {Bryan Shader and Naomi Shaked-Monderer and Daniel B. Szyld},
 title = {Nearly positive matrices}, 
 year = 2014,
 journal = {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
 volume = 449,
 pages = {520--544}
  author = {Kirk M. Soodhalter and Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title = {Krylov Subspace Recycling for Sequences of Shifted Linear Systems},
  year = 2014,
  journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics},
  volume = 81,
  pages = {105--118}
 author = {Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
 title = {On Necessary Conditions for Convergence of Stationary Iterative Methods
    for Hermitian Definite and Semidefinite Linear Systems},
  year = 2014,
  journal= {Linear Algebra and its Applications},
  volume=453, pages={192--201}
  author = {Valeria Simoncini and Daniel B. Szyld and
             Marlliny Monsalve},
  title= {On the numerical solution of large-scale {R}iccati equations},
  year  = 2014,
  journal={IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis}, 
  volume=34, pages={904--920}
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title={Several properties of invariant pairs of nonlinear
           algebraic eigenvalue problems},
  year  = 2014, 
 journal={IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis},
  volume=34, pages={921--954}
  author = {Chen Greif and Tyrone Rees and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Additive {S}chwarz with Variable Weights},
  year  = 2014,
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI},
  editor = { J. Erhel and M. Gander and L. Halpern and G. Pichot and T. Sassi and
              O. Widlund},
  series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Engineering}, 
  publisher= {Springer}, address={Berlin and Heidelberg},
notes={ DOI: 10.1007/s11075-014-9831-2}
  author= {Lahcen Laayouni and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {On the performance of the Algebraic Optimized {S}chwarz 
               Methods with applications}, 
 journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  year  = 2014,
  volume = 67,
  pages = {889--916}
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title={Local convergence of {N}ewton-like methods for degenerate
             eigenvalues of nonlinear eigenproblems. {I}. {C}lassical algorithms},
  journal={Numerische Mathematik},
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title={Local convergence of {N}ewton-like methods for degenerate
             eigenvalues of nonlinear eigenproblems. {II}. {A}ccelerated algorithms},
  journal={Numerische Mathematik},
  author = {S\'{e}bastien Duminil and Hassane~Sadok and Daniel~B.~Szyld},
  title  = {Nonlinear {S}chwarz iterations with Reduced Rank Extrapolation},
  journal = {Applied Numerical Mathematics}, 
  volume = 94,
  year  = 2015,
  pages = {209--221}
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Fei Xue},
  title = {Preconditioned eigensolvers for large-scale nonlinear {H}ermitian eigenproblems with
    variational characterizations.  {I}. {E}xtreme eigenvalues},
  journal = {Mathematics of Computations},
  year  = 2016,
  volume=85, pages={2887--2918}
  author= {Daniel B. Szyld and Eugene Vecharynski and Fei Xue},
  title = {Preconditioned eigensolvers for large-scale nonlinear {H}ermitian eigenproblems with
    variational characterizations.  {II}. {C}onjugate gradient methods},
   note = {To appear in {\em SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}} 
 journal= {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume= 37,
  pages ={A2969--A2997},
  year  = 2015
  author= {Prince Chidyagwai and Scott Ladenheim and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Constraint Preconditioning for the Coupled {S}tokes-{D}arcy System},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
  volume=38, pages= {A668--A690},
  year  = 2016
  author = {Stephen D. Shank and Valeria Simoncini and Daniel~B.~Szyld},
  title  = {Efficient low-rank solutions of generalized {L}yapunov equations},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 134,
  year  = 2016,
  pages= {327--342}
  author = {Hartwig Anzt and Edmond Chow and Daniel B. Szyld and Jack Dongarra},
  title  = {Domain Overlap for Iterative Sparse Triangular Solves on {GPU}s},
  booktitle = {Software for Exascale Computing, SPPEXA 2013--2015},
  editor = {Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Philipp Neumann and Wolfgang E. Nagel},
  series = {Lecture notes in Computational Science and Engineering},
  VOLUME= 113,
  publisher= {Springer}, 
  address = {Berlin and Heidelberg}, 
  pages = {527--545},
  year  = 2016,
  author= {Chen Greif and Tyrone Rees and Daniel B. Szyld}, 
  title = {{GMRES} with multiple preconditioners},
  journal = {SeMA Journal},
  volume = 74,
  year= 2017,
  pages = {213--231}, 
author = {Mian Ilyas Ahmad and Daniel B. Szyld and Martin B. van Gijzen},
title  = {Preconditioned multishift BiCG for {{\cal H}}$_2$-optimal
           model reduction},
journal= {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
volume = 38,
year   = 2017,
pages = {401--424}}
  author= {Fr\'ed\'eric Magoul\`es and  Daniel B. Szyld  and C\'edric Venet},
  title = {Asynchronous Optimized {S}chwarz Methods with and without Overlap},
  journal = {Numerische Mathematik},
  volume = 137,
  year  = 2017,
  pages = {199--227},
  author={Andreas Frommer and Kathryn Lund-Nguyen and Marcel Schweitzer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {The {R}adau--{L}anczos method for matrix functions},
  journal =  {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},  
  volume= 38,
  year= 2017,
  author={Andreas Frommer and Kathryn Lund and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Block Krylov subspace methods for functions of matrices},
  year= 2017,
  journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis}, 
  volume = 47,
  pages ={100--126}
  author = {Tania Bakhos and Peter K. Kitanidis and Scott Ladenheim and Arvind K. Saibaba
               and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {Multipreconditioned {GMRES} for Shifted Systems},
  journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, 
  volume= 39,
  pages= {S222--S247},
  year  = 2017
  author={Carlos Echeverr{\'i}a and J\"{o}rg Liesen and Daniel B. Szyld and Petr Tich{\'y}},
  title= {Convergence of the multiplicative {S}chwarz method for singularly perturbed
convection-diffusion problems discretized on a {S}hishkin mesh},
  journal= {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  year= 2018,
  pages = {40--62}
  author= {Jos\'e C. Garay and Fr\'ed\'eric Magoul\`es and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Convergence of Asynchronous Optimized {S}chwarz Methods in the plane},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV},
  editor={Peter E.~Bj\o stard and Susanne C.~Brenner and Lawrence Halpern
    and Hyea Hyun Kim and Ralf Kornhuber and Talal Rahman and Olof B.~Widlund},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Engineering},
  volume= 125,
  address= {Berlin and Heidelberg}, year=2018,
  author= {Jos\'e C. Garay and Fr\'ed\'eric Magoul\`es and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Optimized {S}chwarz Method for {P}oisson's Equation in Rectangular Domains},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXIV},
  editor={Peter E.~Bj\o stard and Susanne C.~Brenner and Lawrence Halpern
    and Hyea Hyun Kim and Ralf Kornhuber and Talal Rahman and Olof B.~Widlund},
  series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Engineering},
  volume= 125,
  address= {Berlin and Heidelberg}, year=2018,
author= {Endao Han and Liang Zhao and Nigel Van Ha and S.~Tonia Hsieh and Daniel B. Szyld and Heinrich M. Jaeger},
title= {Dynamic jamming of dense suspensions under tilted impact},
journal= {Physical Review Fluids},
  author= {Ren\'e Kehl and Reinhard Nabben and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Adaptive Multilevel {K}rylov Methods},
  journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  year= 2019,
  pages = {512--528},
  DOIs = {10.1553/etna_vol51s512}
author= {Mireille {El Haddad} and Jos\'e C. Garay and Fr\'ed\'eric Magoul\`es and Daniel B. Szyld},
title= {Synchronous and Asynchronous Optimized {S}chwarz Methods for one-way subdivision of bounded domains},
journal={Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications}, 
year= 2020,
note={30 pages}
  author={Andreas Frommer and Kathryn Lund and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Block Krylov subspace methods for functions of matrices {II}: Modified block {FOM}},
  year= 2020,
  journal= {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications}, 
  volume= 41,
  author={Christian Glusa and Erik G. Boman and Edmond Chow and Sivasankaran Rajamanickam and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title={Scalable Asynchronous Domain Decomposition Solvers},
  year= 2020,
  journal= {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing},
author = {Edmond Chow and Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
title  = {Asynchronous {R}ichardson iterations: Theory and practice},
year = 2021
journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
volume = 87, pages={1635--1651},
notes = {DOI: 10.1007/s11075-020-01023-3} 
  author={{Eric King-wah} Chu and Daniel B. Szyld and Jieyong Zhou},
  title= {Numerical solution of singular {L}yapunov equations},
  year= 2021, volume = 28,
journal={Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications}, pages={e2381}
notess={ DOI:}
author={Isaac Klapper and Daniel B. Szyld and Kai Zhao},
title={Metabolic Networks, Elementary Flux Modes, and Polyhedral Cones},
publisher={SIAM}, address={Philadelphia},
  author = {Martin J. Gander and Lahcen Laayouni and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {{SParse} {A}pproximate {I}nverse ({SPAI}) based transmission conditions for optimized algebraic {S}chwarz methods},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI},
  address= {Berlin and Heidelberg}, 
  year = 2022,
  pages ={399--406},
  editor = {Susanne C. Brenner and Eric Tsz Shun Chung and Axel Klawonn and Felix Kwok and Jinchao Xu and Jun Zou},
  series = {Lecture notes in Computer Science and Engineering},
  volume = 145,
author = {Candan G{\"u}d{\"u}c{\"u} and J{\"o}rg Liesen and Volker Mehrmann and Daniel B. Szyld},
title = {On non-{H}ermitian positive (semi)definite linear algebraic systems arising from dissipative {H}amiltonian {DAE}s},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing} ,
volume = 44,
pages = {A2871--A2894},
year = 2022,
  author= {Jos\'e C. Garay and Fr\'ed\'eric Magoul\`es and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {Synchronous and Asynchronous Optimized {S}chwarz Method for {P}oisson's Equation in Rectangular Domains},
  journal ={Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
  year= 2022,
  volume =55,
  pages = {744--791},
  DOI = {10.1553/etna_vol55s744},
author = {Fay\c{c}al Chaouqui and Edmond T. Chow and Daniel B. Szyld},
title  = {Asynchronous domain decomposition methods for nonlinear {PDE}s},
year = 2023,
journal ={Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis}, 
  author = {Martin J. Gander and Lahcen Laayouni and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {An alternating approach for optimizing transmission conditions
                in algebraic {S}chwarz methods},
  booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII},
editor = {Zden\v{e}k Dost\'{a}l and Axel Klawonn and Tom\'{a}\v{s} Kozubek and Ulrich Langer and Luca F. Pavarino and
        Jakub \v{S}\'{\i}stek and Olof B. Widlund},
pages ={343--350},
  address= {Berlin and Heidelberg}, 
  year = 2023,
  author={Andreas Frommer and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title = {On the convergence of randomized
and greedy relaxation schemes for solving nonsingular linear systems of equations},
  year = 2023,
  journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  volume = 93,
  pages = {639--664},
author = {Erik G. Boman and Andrew J. Higgins and  Daniel B. Szyld},
title = {Optimal Size of the Block in Block {GMRES} on {GPU}s: {C}omputational Model and Experiments},
  journal = {Numerical Algorithms},
  year = 2023,
  volume = 93,
  pages = {119--147},
author = {Christian E. Schaerer and Daniel B. Szyld and Pedro J. Torres},
title  = {A posteriori superlinear convergence bounds for block conjugate gradient},
journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
year = 2023,
volume= 58,
pages ={115--135},
author = {Jian Du and Bindi M. Nagda and Owen L. Lewis and Daniel B. Szyld and Aaron L. Fogelson},
title = {A Computational Framework for the Swelling Dynamics of Mucin-like Polyelectrolyte Gels},
journal = {Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics},
year = 2023,
volume = 313,
Note = {Article 104989},
author = {Siobh\'{a}n Correnty and Elias Jarlebring and  Daniel B. Szyld},
title  = {Preconditioned {C}hebyshev {BiCG} for parameterized linear systems},
year =  2023,
journal = {Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis},
volume= 58,
pages ={629--656},
author = {Fay\c{c}al Chaouqui and Daniel Szyld},
title  = {A Two-Level Restricted Additive Schwarz Method For Asynchronous Computations},
%institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
%number = {22-11-11}, month = NOV, year = 2022,
booktitle = {Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII},
editor = {Zden\v{e}k Dost\'{a}l and Axel Klawonn and Tom\'{a}\v{s} Kozubek and Ulrich Langer and Luca F. Pavarino and
        Jakub \v{S}\'{\i}stek and Olof B. Widlund}, 
pages ={109--116},
address= {Berlin and Heidelberg}, 
year = 2023,
author = {Isaac Klapper and Daniel B. Szyld and Xinli Yu and 
Karsten Zengler and Tianyu Zhang and Cristal Z\'{u}{\~{n}}iga},
title = {A domain decomposition method for solution of a {PDE}-constrained generalized {N}ash equilibrium
model of biofilm community metabolism},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics},
year = 2024,
author = {Ichitaro Yamazaki and Andrew J. Higgins and Erik G. Boman and Daniel B. Szyld},
title ={Two-Stage Block Orthogonalization to Improve Performance of $s$-step GMRES},
booktitle ={Proceedings of IPDPS 2024, the 38th IEEE International Parallel and
Distributing Processing Symposium},
note= {San Francisco, 27--31 May 2024.},
author = {Nicole Spillane and Daniel B. Szyld},
title ={New Convergence Analysis of GMRES with Weighted Norms, Preconditioning and Deflation,
Leading to a New Deflation Space},
journal= {SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications},
year = 2024,
  author={Michael L. Parks and Kirk Soodhalter and Daniel B. Szyld},
  title= {A Block Recycled {GMRES} Method with Investigations into Aspects of Solver Performance},
  institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
  month = APR,
  year= 2016,
  note = {Revised August 2017}
author = {Fay\c{c}al Chaouqui and Daniel Szyld},
title  = {On optimal coarse space correction for Restricted and Optimized Additive Schwarz Method},
institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
number = {20-09-18},
month = SEP,
year = 2020,
author = {Andrew J. Higgins and  Daniel B. Szyld and
                 Erik G. Boman and Ichitaro Yamazaki}, 
title ={Analysis of Randomized {H}ouseholder-{C}holesky {QR} Factorization with Multisketching},
year = 2023,
institution = {Department of Mathematics, Temple University},
number = {23-09-11},
month = SEP,
note = {Revised August 2024},