9510: Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds
Fall 2022
Meets: | Tue/Thu
11:00-12:20 in
Wachman Hall, room 617 |
Instructor: | David
Futer |
Office: | 1026
Wachman Hall |
Hours: | Tue 3:00-4:30, Thu 9:30-11:00, or by
appointment |
E-mail: | dfuter
temple.edu |
Phone: | (215)
204-7854 |
Course content:
Continuing the theme from Math 9500, this course aims to describe a moderately
detailed picture of hyperbolic 3-manifolds. We will begin with knots and
links in the 3-sphere, and construct hyperbolic structures on their
We will then go through some structural results in the theory:
completeness and incompleteness of geometric structures, the thick-thin
decomposition, and Mostow rigidity.
Prerequisites: Math 8061-62.
Grading: Grades will be assigned based on homework and a presentation
toward the end of the semester.
Detailed schedule
This will be gradually filled in as the semester progresses.
Day |
Topic |
Reading |
Homework/Note |
1/17 | Motivating example: the figure-8 knot | Purcell, Chap.
1 |
| 1/19 | Hyperbolic structure on the figure-8 knot | Martelli, p. 446-447 |
| 1/24 | Hyperbolic structure on the Whitehead link | |
| 1/26 | Gluing and completeness for surfaces | Purcell, p. 54-59
| Homework 1, due Thursday 2/2
| 1/31 | Edge gluing equations for 3-manifolds | Purcell,
p. 69-73 |
| 2/2 | Developing map and holonomy; completeness equations |
Purcell, 50-53; p. 74-76 |
| 2/7 | Worksheet | |
| 2/9 | Worksheet | |
| 2/14 | Elementary subgroups; thick & thin parts | Purcell,
p. 88-92 |
| 2/16 | The Margulis lemma | Martelli, p. 116-119; Purcell,
p. 95-101 |
| 2/21 | Thick-think decomposition in finite volume | Martelli,
p. 119-122 |
| 2/23 | Length spectra and isometry groups | Martelli,
p. 123-125 |
| 2/28 | No class | |
| 3/2 | Isometry groups, residual finiteness | Martelli,
p. 126-128 |
| 3/14 | Limit sets, convex cores | Martelli, p. 135-137 |
| 3/16 | Limit sets and domains of discontinuity | Martelli,
p. 137-138; animations |
| 3/21 | Quasi-isometries and pseudo-isometries | Martelli, p. 143-144 |
| 3/23 | Extending pseudo-isometries to the boundary | Martelli,
p. 145-147 |
| 3/28 | Extending pseudo-isometries to the boundary | Martelli,
p. 148-150 |
| 3/30 | Volumes of simplices; angle structures | Purcell, Chap. 9;
Martelli, p. 405-409 |
| 4/4 | Gromov norm | Martelli, p. 410-412 |
| 4/6 | Simplicial volume | Martelli, p. 412-414 |
| 4/11 | Gromov norm and volume are proportional | Martelli,
p. 414-416 |
| 4/13 | Mostow rigidity | Martelli, p. 417-420
| 4/18 | Thurston norm, Dehn filling | Purcell, p. 109-117 |
| 4/20 | Hyperbolic Dehn filling theorem | Martelli, p. 444-463 |
| 4/25 | Presentations: Rob, Brandis | |
| 4/27 | Presentations: Andrew, Ross | |
dfuter at temple edu
Last modified: Fri Aug 21 13:41:22 PDT 2009