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New research monograph "The Hodge Laplacian: Boundary value problems on Riemannian manifolds" by Irina Mitrea with D. Mitrea, M. Mitrea, and M. Taylor now in print.
Professor Grabovsky's new book "Composite Materials. Mathematical theory and exact relations." is now in print by the Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing. For more information see http://iopscience.iop.org/book/978-0-7503-1048-2.
Professor Klapper's research has been recently highlighted in the NSF article https://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/disc_summ.jsp?org=NSF&cntn_id=190543.
Professor Gutierrez' book on the Monge-Ampere Equation is now at its second edition. For more information see http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319433721.
Professor Hijab's' Analysis book is now at its fourth edition. For more information see here.
Jessica Babcock examines the challenges and successes of integrating active learning in a traditional Precalculus course at Temple's 15th Annual Conference on Teaching Excellence. Her presentation placed third in the poster competition at the event. For more information see https://teaching.temple.edu/programs-events/annual-faculty-conference-teaching-excellence.
Thank you to graduate students Rebekah Palmer and Danielle Walsh, and to undergraduate students Eric Albers, Troi Jones, and Joseph Franks, for volunteering at the 2017 Philadelphia MathCounts competition.
Professor Chelsea Walton was awarded a two-year fellowship in the amount of $60,000 from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. This extremely competitive award is Temple's fourth (following Ted Mihalisin, Physics, 1972, Frederick Cohen, Mathematics, 1979, and Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, Neuroscience, 1989). Congratulations!
Assistant Professor Jose Gimenez' teaching efforts and innovation in General Education courses have been recognized through the 2017 Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence in GenEd. Congratulations!
Professor Szyld was selected in the Class of 2017 of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Fellows. Congratulations!
For the news release click here.
SIAM has around 14 thousand members (mathematicians, computer scientists, and engineers) and less than 400 are SIAM Fellows. About 100 of them are both SIAM and AMS Fellows and the Class of 2017 comprises 28 new Fellows. Professor Szyld is the first SIAM Fellow from Temple University.
Graduate students Farhan Abedin and Hussein Awala selected for the 2017 CST Outstanding Research Award for Graduate Students (out of 6 such college-wide recognitions). Congratulations!
For the sixth year in a row, this one day program has helped participants build self-belief and mathematical confidence, encouraging and nurturing excellence in mathematics and sciences, and providing exposure to expert mathematical training and accomplished professional women who may serve as role models and mentors. Click here for the event poster.
Organized by Maria Lorenz, Danielle Walsh, and Irina Mitrea.
The following Mathematics graduate students were awarded graduate degrees this May:
The cryptography event hosted by our department at Alumni Weekend was a huge success!
Thank you to the faculty and students who helped make this happen:
Undergraduate students: Hazim Norizan, Melanie Small
Graduate students: Hussein Awala, Khanh Le, Elham Matinpour, Najmeh Salehi, Ramy Yammine
Faculty: Boris Datskovsky, Marilena Downing, Kelli Jones
Organizers: Maria Lorenz and Irina Mitrea
Mathematics majors Fiona Galzarano and Alexandra Jones (class of 2017) were selected this year for the 2017 Diamond Award! Out of the 22 awards given this year, 2 were for Mathematics! Congratulations to Fiona and Lexi!
For more information on the Diamond Awards please visit: http://studentaffairs.temple.edu/diamond-awards
Professors Axel Kohlmeyer, Brian Rider, Matthew Stover, Benjamin Seibold, Samuel Taylor and Chelsea Walton have been awarded new research grants this summer. Congratulations!
Axel Kohlmeyer, Continuous integration and GitHub project management for the LAMMPS molecular dynamics software, Sandia National Laboratories
Brian Rider, Operator limits of random matrices, NSF
Benjamin Seibold, Collaborative Research: Overcoming order reduction and stability restrictions in high-order time-stepping, NSF (coPI – Dong Zhou)
Matthew Stover, Discrete groups and character varieties, Simons Foundation
Samuel Taylor, Negative curvature in fiber bundles and counting problems, NSF
Chelsea Walton, Quantum Symmetry, NSF
Professor Matthew Stover will co-organize an AMS MRC in the Summer of 2018 on Number Theoretic Methods in Hyperbolic Geometry. For more information see http://www.ams.org/programs/research-communities/2018MRC-Number
This competitive national professional program "offers early-career mathematicians a rich array of opportunities to develop collaboration skills, build a network focused in an active research domain, and receive mentoring from leaders in that area".
Congratulations to Professors Ellen Kirkman (Wake Forest University) and Martin Lorenz for their many outstanding professional accomplishments!
The Algebra Extravaganza! conference, taking place on our campus Monday through Friday July 24-28, 2017, honors them both. Click here for information.
Today's Temple Now above the fold article details the finding of Professor Seibold and collaborators who recently confirmed experimentally that self-driving cars can help prevent traffic jams when placed among human-operated cars. For more information visit: https://news.temple.edu/news/2017-08-08/tested-human-drivers-self-driving-car-calms-traffic
Congratulations to Professor David Futer who has joined the editorial board of the journal Algebraic & Geometric Topology. For more information about the journal see: http://msp.org/agt/about/journal/editorial
Professor Daniel Szyld has been reappointed to a second three-year term as editor-in-chief of SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), starting January 1st, 2018. Szyld coordinates the work of 40+ editors of the journal. SIMAX is the premier journal in Numerical Linear Algebra, and it ranks number 17 out of 257 journals in Applied Mathematics, according to the Web of Knowledge, with an impact factor of 2.194 (2016).
Congratulations to mathematics majors:
Alexandra Jones (mentor Raphael Kudela)
Aidan Lorenz (mentor Vasily Dolgushev)
Emily Russell (mentor Gillian Queisser)
Michael Saah (mentors Richard Berger and Axel Kohlmeyer)
and their mentors for an outstanding job at the Undergraduate Research Symposium!
Aidan Lorenz was awarded a honorable mention for his poster.
Professor Shiferaw Berhanu has been awarded the 2017 College of Science and Technology Dean's Distinguished Award for Excellence in Research for his groundbreaking work in:
• Microlocal Analysis,
• Several Complex Variables,
• Systems of Vector Fields, Semilinear Partial Differential Equations.
Professor Cristian Gutierrez has been elected in the 2018 class of the Fellows of the American Mathematical Society for contributions to nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and its applications to geometric optics and mentoring.
The Fellows of the AMS is a distinguished national program which recognizes members who have made outstanding contributions to the creation, exposition, advancement, communication, and utilization of mathematics.
Six teams of undergraduate students are participating in the local contest in mathematical modeling this weekend. This competition will determine Temple's representatives at the international contest in February, 2018. The contest has been organized by faculty Isaac Klapper, Benjamin Seibold, Shelby Stanhope, and Daniel Szyld, and by graduate students Abhijit Biswas, Jose Garay, Joshua Hillman and Yilin Wu.
The latest edition of CST's Outlook magazine features faculty Sam Taylor, Daniel Szyld and Chelsea Walton, and mathematics alumni Fiona Galzarano.
Graduate students:
José Garay (adviser D. Szyld),
Kathryn Lund (adviser D. Szyld),
William Worden (adviser D. Futer), and
Kai Zhao (adviser W. Yang) received graduation completion grants for the Spring of 2018. Congratulations!
Two teams of undergraduate students:
• Chau Nguyen Thi Minh
• Khoi Tuan Hoang
• Daniel Lapsley
• Aaron Kaplan
• Karla Onate Melecio
qualified to represent Temple University at the international Mathematical Contest in Modeling (click here to view contest webpage) in February 2018.
Professor Daniel Szyld in collaboration with Professors Nicole Spillane from Ecole Polytecnique and Victorita Dolean from the University of Nice, was awarded a grant by CIRM (https://www.cirm-math.com/)for a workshop on "Parallel Solution Methods for Systems Arising from PDEs" to be held in the Spring of 2019. Congratulations!
Four of our undergraduate students: Eric Albers, Maria Cadete, Aidan Lorenz, and Quang Tran took the William Putnam Lowell Mathematics Competition over the weekend, an event which has been called both the most prestigious and the most difficult mathematical competition in the US.
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