Mid Atlantic Numerical Analysis Day 2014

A conference on numerical analysis and scientific computing for graduate students and postdocs from the Mid-Atlantic region.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Keynote Speaker

Eitan Tadmor,
Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling
and Department of Mathematics,
University of Maryland, College Park

Social Dynamics: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Simulation

The Conference

This one-day meeting will start at 10am to allow same-day travel.
It will be held in Room 617 Wachman Hall, Temple University, 1805 North Broad street, just north of Montgomery Avenue (see directions on right margin).
It will be an opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present their research, and to meet other researchers.
There will be contributed talks and a poster session.

There will be no registration fee. In order to guarantee appropriate space in the lecture rooms, we ask every participant to please register in advance, even if you are not planning to give a talk.
Lunch will be provided.

Conference Poster

You can download a small conference poster.

Registration and/or Abstract Submission

If you would like to participate (in any form), please register using the online registration form.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is September 22, 2014. Registration for participation only can be done at any time.


9:10- 9:50Registration, coffee and bagels
9:50-10:00Opening remarks
10:00-11:30Presentations (Preconditioning)
11:30-13:30Lunch and poster session
13:30-14:30Keynote lecture (Eitan Tadmor)
14:30-15:00Coffee break
15:00-16:30Presentations (Models)
16:30-16:45Coffee break
16:45-17:45Presentations (Control and Optimization)
17:45-17:55Closing remarks
18:30-20:00   Group dinner (attendance optional)


YicongMaPenn State University Robust preconditioner for a structure-preserving discretization of incompressible MHD equations
KaiYangPenn State University Well-posedness and robust preconditioners for discretized fluid-structure interaction systems
ScottLadenheimTemple University Indefinite preconditioning of the coupled Stokes-Darcy system
SerapTayUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County Bounded confidence multidimensional opinion dynamics in continuous time
TingWangUniversity of Maryland Baltimore County Efficiency of Girsanov transformation approach for parameter sensitivities of density dependent processes
Xiaochuan    TianColumbia University Asymptotically compatible schemes for robust discretization of nonlocal models and their local limit
Control and Optimization
MonaHajghassem    University of Maryland Baltimore County Near-optimal multigrid preconditioning for distributed optimal control problems constrained by first order ordinary differential equations
TimMitchellCourant Institute Fast approximation of the H norm via hybrid expansion-contraction using spectral value sets


MatthewHassell        University of Delaware     Coupling of the boundary element and finite element methods in the time domain
TianyuQiuUniversity of Delaware Time domain boundary integral equations for scattering of acoustic waves by a multiple layered
Tonatiuh    Sanchez-VizuetUniversity of Delaware Transient wave-structure interaction with deltaBEM
DongZhouTemple University Mixed finite element method for a pressure Poisson equations reformulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

Hotel Information

Please feel free to contact us for information on accommodation.


Email: naday -at- temple.edu



Benjamin Seibold and Daniel B. Szyld


Sponsored by the Department of Mathematics, the College of Science and Technology, and the Graduate School, Temple University.



Discussions and Dinner

Previous Years

NA-Day 2013
NA-Day 2012
NA-Day 2011